Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Playing outside

I have 4 dogs in my home besides Annie Rose. There is Dusty, a collie Newfoundland (about 90lbs), Taz an Australian Sheppard, Nova an Australian Terrier and Lucky a Havanese.

Annie Rose, Dusty and Taz were playing fetch outside today. Annie was sharing the toy rope with the other dogs. But that was not the amazing thing, Annie was in full speed when Dusty stopped in front of her. How beautiful she was when she flue right over Dusty without even touching him. I wish I had my camera ready, it was a sight to see.


  1. That sounds like a really cool thing to see. Most greyhounds seem to be more cat than dog, but it sounds like Annie Rose is at least as much Tigger or kangaROO as cat.

  2. Congratulations on finding a home Annie Rose
