Thursday, March 18, 2010

Annie found a home

Ivan (a Greyhound/Borzoi mix) and his human Robert took Annie into their hearts and into their home.
Arriving at their home, Robert and Mardy were standing out front when I pulled Annie from the van. Boy she was full of herself. Bouncing and bouncing as the sweet Annie does. Robert just laugh and explained he has never seen this side of her before. That bouncing did not stop him from loving her. Robert got Ivan and everyone went for a walk. After the walk we went to the back yard and in Robert's home. Annie made herself comfortable on the dog beds in the front room. But at night the dogs sleep upstairs. Those stairs were steep, the 1st time up Mardy had to put one leg, then the next until she was up those stairs. But once up Annie was so exited... Bones on the ground to play with, a mattress to lay on and a couch... Oh what should this girl do? She bounced for a while from the mattress to the couch. The gentleman Ivan just stood and watched her act up.
We practice a little with her to go up and down the steps. Just a few times she was doing really well. We set up her crate up stairs where she finally relaxed for a few. She found a home.
Ivan and Robert I pray that Annie will bring joy to your life. That her unusual antics make you laugh. Thank you Robert and Ivan for giving Annie a forever home.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Playing outside

I have 4 dogs in my home besides Annie Rose. There is Dusty, a collie Newfoundland (about 90lbs), Taz an Australian Sheppard, Nova an Australian Terrier and Lucky a Havanese.

Annie Rose, Dusty and Taz were playing fetch outside today. Annie was sharing the toy rope with the other dogs. But that was not the amazing thing, Annie was in full speed when Dusty stopped in front of her. How beautiful she was when she flue right over Dusty without even touching him. I wish I had my camera ready, it was a sight to see.

Winter Gathering

Saturday we took Annie Rose to the meet and greet.
After the meet and greet on Saturday we went over to a neighbor who has a 1 year old. They were pulling the little boy around in a wagon. Annie was so sweet, she just walked around with the wagon, just wanting to be next to the little boy. Annie does like kids, I just worry about her bouncing side.

Sunday we headed to the Winter Gathering in a Mitsubishi Eclipse. Annie enjoyed the ride asleep in the back seat. What a sleek dog in a back of a sleek car.

Annie enjoyed meeting the people and most of the dogs. Only a couple of times did she bounce and howled when another dog sniffed her. WOW she is getting better, I remember when she would with every dog that did sniffed her. I am so pleased to see her confidence building. The treat guy from Pet Smart showed up, boy she knew right away who he was. Annie did get walked by a few people, while I was off watching the dogs in the pen.

As a human being at the Winter Gathering for the greyhounds, just let me say it was fun for both human and dogs. Good people, Good Food, GREAT dogs.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Annie's ears goes all differet ways... She is so cute.

Annie Rose is wonderful to watch her run. My 4 dogs do not have a chance to catch her... Poor Lucky looks like he is still at the starting line.
She is a bouncy little girl... While walking down the hall way she jumped up and turned in the air with-out hitting the wall.
She loves to cuddle on the bed after all she is the princess.
She is learning some commands: stay, wait, leave it, crate and come... most of the time she does these things... Once in while she sits... I scratch her rear end and hold a treat for that to happen.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hot Date

Okay, sorry, no photos to go with this one, but Annie Rose had a date this afternoon to walk with an Irish wolfhound named Rhett. Annie had her coat on, so she didn't care that it was 30 degrees and Rhett didn't care because he's got a nice thick coat of his own.

Annie and Rhett walked well tog. Annie, in particular, loved being outside in the sun and sniffing out new territory. She bounced and danced some and flirted with Rhett. Rhett was a perfect gentleman. We're going to spend some time tog. again tomorrow, that is, if there's not a blizzard.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New year, Annie Rose

As you can see from this picture, Annie (left) and Kelley (our hound) had a rousing New Year. That is to say, they slept through the fireworks, got up this morning and got on the couch to nap together. The girls have been doing well tog., even if they have showed some of that famous greyhound competitiveness out in the backyard.

Annie has done well with kids, though her very playful, bouncy nature may not be a good match for kids under five whom she could unintentionally knock down or swipe with her tail.
Tomorrow, she's going with me to check out a family that's interested in fostering for GPA/N (not fostering Annie, fostering new dogs from the track.) There, she'll meet 2 ibizan hounds. That should be interesting as she's generally good with other dogs, tho she does get nervous when they run up to do the "greyhound handshake." She's a bit bashful and inclined to tuck her tail and spin around.