Sunday, December 20, 2009

Holiday Excitement

Annie had a very busy day yesterday.
She put in an appearance at 100 Oaks PetsMart where she met many greyhounds as well as the Irish Wolfhound, Rhett. She's still a bit overwhelmed in crowded settings, but is learning to relax and enjoy all the attention.

After 100 Oaks M&G, we did a shift at Borders giftwrapping (photo above, thanks, Anne-Marie, for supplying the photo) and boy was she happy to be there. She hopped and bucked and danced when we got there and greeted Anne-Marie's Arvin with great excitement. She spent the afternoon lounging in the xpen with Jeannette and being petted and talked to by store customers and little kids. She was great with everyone and was a model greyhound.

Her crating here at home is going well and she's now going in with only a little prompting. Once in the crate, she just lays down. She's been playing more with toys and is particularly fond of carrying them around.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Outside is Good

When I come in from work, or just an errand, Annie is always excited to go outside, making a beeline for her favorite pee spot. (Hasn't made a single mistake in the house or crate.) Then she wonders back and forth across the yard, sniffing and looking around. even in this cold weather she's perfectly happy to roam around back there.

She's beginning to play a bit with Shadow and Kelley, tho Shadow's a bit rambunctious for her. She'll be making an appearance at 100 Oaks PetsMart this Saturday from 11:30-12:30, so come by and meet her.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Life is Good

Annie Rose has been with us for four days and she's doing great. As you can see, she does have a furniture habit. While we discourage fresh track dogs from picking up this habit, it's something she learned at her first home and it would be hard to break her of it.

She loves toys and throws them in the air and spins around and playbows with them. My hounds are sort of amused by her but still reserving judgement as to whether they should join in the fracas. Over time, I think they'd all learn to play together.

Her crating lessons are going well. She's still a bit reluctant to go in, so we sweeten the deal with high value treats such as cheese or ham. Once she's in she's fine. And she's been more than happy to eat her meals in there. I added some extra padding to her crate bedding and made a bolster for her to lean against. she likes that a lot.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Welcome, Annie Rose

Annie Rose spent her first day at my house learning the ropes of a new home. She probably hasn't been around another greyhound since she left the farm at age 3 months, so she was very surprised to meet my hounds, Shadow and Kelley. She's settled in very nicely with them, tho she's still a bit anxious.

In her adopted home, she was never crated, so we've been gradually introducing her to it and it seems like she's adjusting. She spent the night there, sleeping on her favorite blanket. Except for a few wimpers at first, she passed a peaceful night. To make the crate a more attractive place for her, we've been tossing bits of ham in for her. Believe me, she'll go in the crate for that.

According to her former owners, she's uber cat safe. To prove that point, she tried to cozy up to Earl and Buster. When they hissed at her she backed up. We took her to the 100 Oaks M&G yesterday for a few minutes and she was fine with kids and small animals, too.

She does love to ride in the car, so will get her out a lot this week to meet new people and see new places. A home with other dogs is a must for Annie as she's accustomed to being part of a pack. Picture above was taken of her the day she came in. Notice that funny greyhound nose...she was still growing into it then.